A list of the most common types of antique wooden planes made between 1680-1950.
Each category of plane shows a general image of that type of plane; there
may be slight varitations in style for all wooden planes depending
on the maker of the plane.
There will be wooden planes which will not match the planes
found in these categories, often these will be due to the plane being
a user made, a user adjusted or an apprentice piece. They may also
be of continental origin or they may be a specialist profile.
Most wooden moulding planes which do not match a profile shown on
this page will probably fit into the category of a 'complex' moulding
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"Just stumbled across your website and an absolute treasure trove of information.
I was recently given an old Stanley 110 block plane and wanted to know more about it.
Your website told me everything I needed to know.
But there is so much more to read. I forsee me spending a lot of time just reading
page after page. I can appreciate how much time this will have taken to put together.
I just wanted to let you know that your hard work is appreciated."